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Drug and Substance Abuse Policy


Southend Collegians Football Club (the “Club”) does not tolerate the use, purchase, distribution, or sale of illegal substances or drugs by any Club Member or any visitor within the Club’s jurisdiction. This policy reflects the Club’s commitment to protecting the health, safety, and wellbeing of all persons associated with the Club and all persons in attendance at Club activities. 


Purpose of this policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the Club Committee and Club Members understand the Club’s position regarding illegal substances or drugs and how we will respond to a drug-related incident within the Club’s jurisdiction. This policy supports and fully complies with the Football Association Drug and Anti-doping regulations.

What is an illegal substance or drug?

A substance that is not permitted to be taken or used according to FA laws such as cannabis (marijuana), amphetamines (speed and “ice”), ecstasy, cocaine, heroin and a range of new psycho-active substances known as synthetic drugs.

This policy does not apply to pharmaceutical drugs or performance-enhancing drugs (unless they are captured in the above definition).


When does this policy apply?

This policy applies whenever the Member is taking part in activities under the Club’s jurisdiction. This includes our Club’s facilities, games (including away games), training and other events organised by the Club. Private behaviour of members is not included in this policy and the Club cannot be responsible for the behaviour of Members outside the Club’s jurisdiction. However, this policy will apply whenever an individual is representing the Club or in attendance at a Club-organized activity. 

Who does this policy apply to?

All Club Members and visitors to the Club.


The Club will:

  • Activate and comply with the policy.

  • Promote the policy to everyone within the Club’s jurisdiction.

  • Investigate all apparent, or alleged, breaches of this policy in a timely manner and take appropriate action after all relevant facts and circumstances are known.

  • Ensure all responses and actions reflect the Club’s duty of care to Members and visitors.

  • Support an individual with a drug and/or alcohol-related issue.

Members will:

  • Comply with the policy.

  • Be responsible and accountable for their behavior.

  • Alert Club officials with any concern about illegal drug use within the Club. 

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